UTADA BLUE UNITED BLOG no 17 投稿者:i_  投稿日:07/03(月) 00:19

Friday June 30th

2006年6月30日 金曜日


Day before Sendai weekend


This morning we took a bullet train ride from Tokyo to Sendai for the start of Utada United 2006!

At Grandy 21 arena the band and crew are getting ready to run through a sound check before we hit rehearsals for the day.

We spent a few hours rehearsing and going through some of the changes that were made to the set by Kaz and Mr. Utada. The smallest changes have a big effect on everybody’s parts, so all these little changes need to be rehearse.

After a break we’re going to run a dress rehearsal of the show. I walked around the arena a little bit. Saw some new faces…there are so many people involved in making this tour happen. It’s a cool thing to have so many people pulling together to make a tour like this successful. I get the feeling that some people are a little nervous as the first show of the tour is only 24 hours away. But the band sounds great. It’ll be good to see a big crowd tomorrow!

Everyone is pumped for the first downbeat of the tour!

See you tomorrow night!

-Pat Woodward

今朝僕らはUTADA UNITED 2006のスタートの為に新幹線に乗って東京から仙台にやってきたんだよ!






--- パット・ウッドウォード